Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Haul A$$!

Now, I'm telling your bike, not you, to haul ass, since you're the mule in this scenario. As you can see, my makeshift bike taxi has been doing overtime (see figure 2 above). Ok, ok! It's not "my" bike, per se; but it's obvious someone has been putting in some serious work.

Luckily for us, today's bike trailers, hitches, cargo bags, saddles, extensions, stone wheels, etc...(deep breathe) have evolved into less cumbersome designs. BEHOLD THE EVOLUTION BELOW!
original treehugger article

The mighty mouse of bike trailers from Carry Freedom

Hire this guy to do your cheap city moving.

Go Deustch with the Royal Shopper Plus

BicycleR Evolution has a plethora of tried and tested solutions for toting around groceries and kayaks : )

IKEA trips are a breeze with the Super Hero Trailer!

Meet B.O.B.