Monday, April 12, 2010

Leave It Better Than You Found It...

Do you remember playing with Legos in first grade or being in an elementary school art class? I'm still in that environment, but that's not the point : ) In these wonder years, your parents and teachers tried to instill in you a sense of responsibility for the things you used and the spaces you were in. "You should always leave it better than you found it!" my granny would say.

I think that meme still rings true today in a different way. As adults, we need to unclutter our lives, "empty our backpacks" - Gotta see Up In The Air.

But Steve, how do we do this? (@marquesstewart)

I have no idea, but I have found some inspiring examples of people trying to live simply while having minimal impact on the planet. They not only clean up their rooms, but they clean up their community and in-turn, the world we live in. I found it fitting that I plug the documentary, No Impact Man. This is the story of Colin Beavan's, no impact, family project. I appreciate this film because it shoes both extreme consumption and environmentalism while inciting a discussion on finding a middle ground.

I'm not expert, and certainly don't want to impose lifestyles on anyone. I take these examples and draw from them the greater habits that are involved in using less. I wouldn't give advice that I wouldn't follow myself, so my fiance and I will be working on doing our own impact experiment. It can be something as simple as no television for a week then gradually incorporating things like candles, instead of lights. I don't know what the best scenario is for you, but every bit makes a difference. Eliminating the extras or distractions may encourage family interactions that you never thought possible.

We don't have to throw our televisions out the window and make butter at home to reduce our impact, but in the process, you may learn to appreciate the nuances of your environment. - The rare glimmer of a star you may see through the haze of New York City's night sky.

No Impact Man Trailer

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